Ravenna grass

Common Name(s):
Ravenna grass, Plume grass, Pampas grass
Scientific Name:
Saccharum ravennae
Growth Traits:
Introduced, Perennial, Warm
Description: Ravenna grass is an introduced bunchgrass from the Mediterranean region. It was introduced by the horticulture industry for ornamental landscaping. It is a very large plant that can grow to over 10 feet tall. The leaves have a distinguishable white mid-vein. It is considered invasive due to its ability to quickly dominate an area after establishment. It is on the noxious plant list of several states. It can grow in upland sites but is commonly found around lakes and rivers.
Chemical Control Options: Glyphosate
Mechanical Control Options: Digging individual plants can be effective.
Biological Control Options: There is not a good biological control option.